Both as a science and an art, Astrology maps the forever changing patterns of planetary bodies moving across the sky.
The science measures the spatial positions of celestial bodies in relation to the earth, as they move across the Zodiac.
The art involves interpreting the archetypal symbols of these planets in ‘signs and houses’ as well as the dynamic interrelationships of their energies.
The latter present us with myriad opportunities to grow as we, the players, are responsible for manifesting the positive aspects of such energies through our awareness.
A Natal Chart and other related astrological charts are therefore creative tools which use a symbolic language to describe our personal talents and challenges.
They offer new perspectives and opportunities regarding our potential as an individual.
Astrology Readings
With 40 years experience as a professional astrologer, Claudie Planche offers online astrological services.
The Natal Chart personal consultation is recorded and lasts about 45 minutes.
We will require the following:
– Name
– Birth Date – (day/month/year)
– Birth Place – (town / country)
– Birth Time – (24-hour clock)
Natal Chart Report
Includes printed chart in a 15 page report sent online (pdf)
Price: £30
Natal Chart Reading
Online or in person
Includes printed chart in report (pdf) and recorded reading (mp3)
Price: £90
Current Trends Reading
Online or in person
Includes printed charts of current Solar Return & main Transits and recorded reading (mp3)
Price: £90
To order an Astrology reading, contact us
Mayan Astrology
Mayan Astrology Reading
Personalised consultation – recorded reading (mp3)
Includes a colour decoder
English or French
£60 – To order please contact us

For Publications on Mayan Astrology, consult our Mayan Calendar Tools.
For our next workshops on Mayan Astrology, go to Events.